I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
''Call of the Dead'' - Intro / Gameplay...
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''Call of the Dead'' Brings Quartet of Actors, New Story into Black Ops Zombie Mode...
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@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
"Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" Premiere at Disneyland, 7.05.2011 (HQ, MQ)

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Пишет  MarvelGirl:

Элайза Душку, фото (HQ/UHQ)...
...''Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides'' Premiere at Disneyland in Anaheim, 07-04-2011
imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com
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@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''TRU CALLING'', Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), "The Big Bang Theory", Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Unknown Photoshoot (MQ)

@темы: "V", ''SMALLVILLE'', Laura Vandervoort/Kara, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Пишет  Бентли:

Starhub Mom's Night out at Citi Field in New York City (May 5 2011)

Starhub Mom's Night Out dinner in New York City (May 5 2011)

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@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
18th Annual EIF Revlon RunWalk For Women – DuringAfter Run, 7.05.2011 (HQ)

+ 9 штук

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
18th Annual EIF Revlon RunWalk For Women - Talking to Crowd, 7.05.2011 (HQ)

+ 89 штук

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Alyson Hannigan at the Run Walk for Women is moved by the loss of her aunt, dead of cancer.
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@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
Interview: Alyson Hannigan Shares About Life on Set and Her Mommy Must Haves.

How I met Alyson Hannigan? At a StubHub luncheon for her new Mom’s Night Out charity initiative where she urged the attendees to forgo the healthy wraps in favor of the tasty chicken fingers. The mama of one, and star of the hit series How I Met Your Mother, was there to talk about the importance of taking a night off from the kids, but it was quickly apparent that she loves spending time with 2-year-old Satyana, joking that the first night she’ll spend away from her, “will be when she goes to college!”

While her HIMYM character has recently taken a break from trying to conceive a child, almost everything else in Alyson’s life revolves around kids. The actress, who recently signed on to reprise her role as Michele in the fourth installment of the American Pie franchise, answered a few of my questions about work and motherhood.


@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Интервью

I love it when a plan comes together
"Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" Premiere at Disneyland, 7.05.2011 (HQ, MQ)

+ 34 штуки

@темы: "Desperate Housewives", Eva Longoria/Gabrielle Solis, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Lollipop Theater Network's 3rd Annual Game Day Burbank, 7.05.2011 (HQ)

+ 3 штуки

@темы: ''CHARMED'', "The Big Bang Theory", Фотографии, Kaley Cuoco/Penny (Billy)

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
NBA playoff basketball series between the Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks in LA, 4.05.2011 (HQ)

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''TRU CALLING'', Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), "The Big Bang Theory", Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together