I love it when a plan comes together
Пишет  Julietta_:

Mila Kunis & Seth Green
25th Annual Just For Laughs Festival
Family Guy Press Conference

+ 8

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Seth Green/Oz, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
SDCC '11 Felicia Day - EW Interview...
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Спасибо  Xomaaa

@темы: ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''DR. HORRIBLE'', Felicia Day/Vi, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
Пишет  Crisl:

Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion - Entertainment Weekly's 5th Annual Comic-Con Celebration 23.07.11

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''FIREFLY / SERENITY'', ''DR. HORRIBLE'', Nathan Fillion/Malcolm Reynolds, Фотографии, Joss Whedon

I love it when a plan comes together
SDCC '11 Nathan Fillion quizes his fans (EW)...
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Спасибо  Xomaaa

@темы: ''BUFFY'', ''FIREFLY / SERENITY'', Nathan Fillion/Malcolm Reynolds, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Fairlady Magazine, июль 2011 (MQ)

@темы: "Dark Angel", Jessica Alba/Max Guevera, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
EW Syfy Party Comic Con, 23.07.2011 (HQ)

+ 1 штука

@темы: ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''DR. HORRIBLE'', Felicia Day/Vi, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Entertainment Weekly's 5th Annual Celebration during Comic Con in San Diego, 23.07.2011 (HQ)

+ 25 штук

@темы: ''CHARMED'', Rose McGowan/Paige Matthews, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Full Comic Con 2011 panel...
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Интервью Джареда...
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Comic Con 2011 Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel...
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Jensen Ackles talks 'Supernatural' Season Seven...
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Спасибо  Pusha_s

@темы: Jared Padalecki/Sam Winchester, ''SUPERNATURAL'', Misha Collins/Castiel, Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
...on Voicing Catwoman in ‘Batman: Year One’ and Growing Up as a Nerd.

While yesterday we brought you one of the big names on the female side of the cast for the upcoming animated Batman: Year One film with Katee Sackhoff. That’s only one half of the female firepower that film is bringing to the table, as they also managed to cast Dollhouse star Eliza Dushku as Selena Kyle aka Catwoman.
We got a chance to speak with Eliza about her role, how she managed to return to also voice Catwoman in the DC Original Short, and what she’s currently working on.
Best known for her work with Joss Whedon in both the Buffy universe as well as the star of his most recent TV project, Dollhouse, Eliza has managed to portray the “hot badass” archetype for nearly a decade now. Things are changing only slightly as she’s turning in her Doll clothes and vampire stake for a leather catsuit and whip (animated, of course).
Aside from working constantly working in front of the camera, Eliza is also working as a producer for a few upcoming projects including one for the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.
Take a look at what Eliza had to say in our exclusive interview after the jump, and be sure to grab Batman: Year One when it hits shelves on October 18th.
Credit: theflickcast.com

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''TRU CALLING'', Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), "The Big Bang Theory", Видео, Интервью

I love it when a plan comes together
Comic-Con 2011: Highlights From 'Ringer' Panel.

Ringer стал одним из самых ожидаемых новых сериалов, которым предстояло быть представленными на Comic-Con в этом году. Ведь это же возвращение Баффи, то есть Сары Мишель Геллар, на ТВ! И она играет близнецов! Но три исполнителя главных мужских ролей также получили свою порцию восторженных криков, пока толпа смотрела ролик к сериалу перед началом конвента. Нестор Карбонелл, Крис Полаха и Йоан Гриффит тоже очень даже неплохи.
Когда актеры и продюсеры вышли на сцену, именно из-за Геллар - которая, кстати сказать, выглядела великолепно, - толпа сошла с ума.
Премьера сериала состоится 13 сентября на канале The CW, а пока порадуемся интересным подробностям, прямо с Комик-Кон.

@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Интервью

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Attends day 3 of WIRED Cafe at Comic-Con, 23.07.2011 (HQ)

@темы: ''CHARMED'', Rose McGowan/Paige Matthews, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Portrait at the LMT Music Lodge during Comic Con, 21.07.2011 (HQ)

@темы: ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''DR. HORRIBLE'', Felicia Day/Vi, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Ringer Set, Los Angeles, 22.07.2011 (MQ, HQ)

+ 49 штук

Walking with co-star Nerstor Carbonell while filming on location, LA, 22.07.2011 (HQ)

@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Фотографии