I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Highlights from Dragon Con 2010 -- Morena Baccarin Q & A...
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@темы: ''FIREFLY / SERENITY'', "V", Morena Baccarin/Inara Serra, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
DragonCon 2011 - Smallville Panel...
The main Smallville panel at Dragon*Con 2011 featuring Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), James Marsters (Braniac), Sam Witwer (Doomsday), and Laura Vandervoort (Supergirl).

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@темы: Michael Rosenbaum/Lex Luthor, James Marsters/Spike (Milton Fine aka Brainiac), ''SMALLVILLE'', Laura Vandervoort/Kara, Sam Whitver/Davis Bloom, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
Supernatural Panel at Dragon Con - Sunday 2011...
This is the Sunday panel of Supernatural at the 2011 Dragon*Con. Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, and Julie McNiven shows up about half way through.

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@темы: ''SUPERNATURAL'', Misha Collins/Castiel, Samantha Ferris/Ellen, Jim Beaver/Bobby, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
DragonCon 2011 - Buffy panel ...
DragonCon 2011 in Atlanta, GA. Buffy panel featuring Eliza Dushku, James Marsters, Julie Benz, Nicholas Brendan, Mercedes McNab, and Clare Kramer.

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@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Julie Benz/Darla, Nicolas Brendon/Xander Harris, Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), James Marsters/Spike (Milton Fine aka Brainiac), Mersedes McNab/Harmony, Claire Kramer/Glory, Nicholas Brendon/Xander Harris, Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
The Grudge (2004) - Behind The Scene (MQ)

@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Entertainment Weekly - James White 2011 (MQ)

@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Пишет  m.A.Y.a.:

панель элайзы и тамо <3
надеюсь, покрупнее и поудачнее фотки все таки появятся :-D

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''TRU CALLING'', Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), Tahmoh Penikett/Paul Ballard, "The Big Bang Theory", Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
At Craig's restaurant in West Hollywood, 2.09.2011 (HQ)

+ 17 штук

@темы: ''CHARMED'', Rose McGowan/Paige Matthews, Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Gina Torres & Laurence Fishburne - Contagion premiere in Venice, 3.09.2011 (HQ)

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''FIREFLY / SERENITY'', Gina Torres/Zoe (Jasmine), Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
Spent the evening at the Malibu Chili Cook Off with their daughter Satyana in Malibu Calif. on Friday, 2.09.2011 (MQ)

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''How I Met Your Mother'', Alexis Denisof/Wesley Windom Price, Alyson Hannigan/Willow Rosenberg (Lily Aldrin), Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
"All My Children: The Stars, Stories and Secrets"...
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@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
Glamour, октябрь 2011 (MQ)

@темы: Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy Summers, ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', Фотографии

I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Full FanExpo Panel Video.
Here is the full video for the panel that Eliza did for FanExpo 2011, It’s a great panel and Eliza talk’s a lot about Buffy, Angle, Dollhouse and more.

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@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', ''DOLLHOUSE'', ''TRU CALLING'', Eliza Dushku/Faith (Echo, Tru), "The Big Bang Theory", Видео

I love it when a plan comes together
Пишет  Pusha_s:

Крис aka Элиот. часть очередная

@темы: ''ANGEL'', ''BUFFY'', "LEVERAGE", Christian Kane/Lindsay McDonald (Elliot Spencer), Фотографии