In this powerful new military PSA Eliza Dushku, Cher, Terrell Owens and many others have all come together to lend their voices for a cause!
Together, these celebs are joining forces with The Creative Coalition and Blue Star Families to let military men and women know that they are not alone through a toll-free help line.
Although we all may feel hopeless at times they want to reassure that there is help. The CEO of The Creative Coalition Robin Bronk stated:
“We are grateful to the Military Channel for providing a platform to allow America’s artists to help bring a lifesaving message to our service men and women, and their families.”
With the increase issue of suicide among military men and woman, along with their families the organization is promoting a toll-free suicide prevention help line. The PSA will be launching this month and will air on the Military Channel.
Check out the PSA below!
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