I love it when a plan comes together
LAX Airport, 1.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 10 штук

Arrives at her office in LA, 12.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 47 штук

At a Dermatologist Office, 27.11.2012 (HQ)

+ 6 штук

Heathrow Airport, 2.12.2012 (HQ)

LAX Airport, 6.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 6 штук

Out in Beverly Hills, 10.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 49 штук

Out in London, 4.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 21 штука

Out to Breakfast, 8.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 29 штук

Shopping in LA, 25.11.2012 (HQ, MQ)

+ 44 штуки

Urth Cafe, 13.08.2012 (HQ)

+ 21 штука

Jessica and Honor went on a quick getaway to London, 10.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 7 штук

At an Ice Rink in London, 4.12.2012 (HQ)

+ 18 штук

@темы: Jessica Alba, Photos