I love it when a plan comes together
Summer’s twitter chat!
Summer is soon starting the twitter chat and I’m sure most of you will check it out. For everyone that hasn’t the chance or just want to read it again, we will post Summer’s tweets here. We will update this post with new tweets when they arrive. Hopefully everyone has fun with the chat. And don’t forget to be kind!
Summer’s tweets
A good friend of mine, and a huge fan of Summer Glau, @karenwing2012 is seriously ill and fighting for her life. Could you ask Summer if she might say a few words of encouragement for her during Monday’s live-tweeting? It would mean the world to Karen. Thank you.
- Hi Karen sending you love and healing thoughts!
Ms. Glau are you considering pursuing writing or directing?
- looking to work with writers and directors. Not looking to writing and directing on my own.
I’m here to start tweeting. Any questions
What was you favorite scene to shoot, Summer?
- The only scene with all four girls
Out of Cameron (#TSCC), River (#Firefly), or Skylar (#Alphas), which was your favorite to play?
- I’ll always keep that secret
Ms Glau, what 70s or 80s TV show would you love to see rebooted and be part of?
- I like to stick with originals
My favorite tv show growing up was Little House on that Prairie
Hey Summer! How did it feel when you first moved to LA to purse acting? What was the hardest part?
- The hardest part was being brave enough to be myself.
Hi, Summer! Did you do anything special to prepare for your role as Skyler on the show?
- Skyler’s boots are magical. I just put those on and I’m ready to go.
- Seriously, I always go on set and work on taking a part and putting together all of Skyler’s inventions.
How extensive do Skylar’s powers run, could she analyze any machine regardless of size?
- Yes.
Summer, what is your favorite movie of all time?
- Camelot!
- That’s the movie that most made me want to be an actress.I used to watch it with my grandma. And she gave me the soundtrack when I was child
Heya Summer, whats your favorite scene with Zoe (Skylar) ?
- My favorite scene from Alphaville where everyone that lives in the village is having dinner together.
Summer, which do you think is the coolest gadget that Skylar created?
- The flame throw that I made at the end of Need to Know.
Hi Summer! When are you coming to Europe? You have so much fans here
- Made plans to come last year, but wasn’t able to make it due to work. 2013 should be my new European adventure.
Summer I’m a huge fan!! What is your dream role?
- To be the female John Wayne.
Hi Summer! If #Alphas were real, would you want to be one? With what abilities?
- If I wasn’t acting there is no way I could be Skyler. Everyone knows I’m mechanically challenged.
- If I could choose an ability I think I’d choose Nina’s.
it’s funny how you’re specialty has turned out to be sci-fi . Did you like this type of show growing up?
- Yes. I was a huge Star Trek the Next Generation fan. It’s a show I got to watch with my parents when I couldn’t sleep.
Summer, nothing related to acting but what is your favorite band?
- My favorite singer is George Strait. I like a lot of country music. There are a lot singer song writers that I love.
Hi Summer! What’s your favorite color (I’m bad at asking questions…please take pity on me ?
- Peach!
You’ve got awesome moves. What do you do on a regular basis to stay in shape? Yoga? Pilates? Vegan diet? Other?
- I love yoga, cardiobar and hiking.
do you miss Firefly? Do you still keep in touch with the old cast?
- Yes. Always.
Hey Summer! Do you have a favourite tv show at the moment to watch?
- New Girl.
Hi Summer. Who do you look up to as an acting role model??
- So many actors. Cate Blanchet
Summer, if there were a fight between River and Cameron, who would win?
- I’ll never give that away.
hello summer, I am an up and coming actress and was wondering if you have any advice for making in the wonderful world of acting
- Know what’s true.
Do you believe in aliens?
- Skip aliens!
will we see you next season of Alphas, if they get rennewed?
- I really hope so
Summer, your character waking up in that room after being alpha’d was creepy. Whats your creeptastic fear or moment?
- Voodoo. Always been. Always be. Terrified.
Something Browncoats often debate: River with combat boots on, or barefoot. Which did you prefer?
- Combat boots.
- The grates on the ship really were quite sharp on my feet.
Besides San Antonio, what’s your other favorite city in Texas, Ms. Glau?
- Austin.
whats your favorite animal?
- Horses.
Is there any actress/actor in particular, that you would like to work with in the future?
- I would love to do more scenes with David Strathairn
Summer, what is the best advice you’ve ever received, and from whom?
would you consider being Doctor Who’s companion for a season or two?
- That’s a great idea!
What is your favorite sport game?
- Football.
if there is a 3rd season and Skylar is in it how would you like to see the character develop?
- I would like to see her push herself to trust the team.
Your best Halloween Trick and your all-time three favorite costumes you’ve worn or created.
- We did fall festival growing up not Halloween. This is tough for me.
if you could be any other character on Alphas who would it be and why?
- It would be Harkin.
Hi. I remember you said you wanted to read more classics. As an aspiring writer, I’m curious what are your fav stories/authors?
- My favorite book is East of Eden.
Hi Miss. Glau. Which would you be: Vampire, werewolf or zombie and why?
- Vampire. Best clothes.
I read that you have a dog. How is he going? what is he like?
- He’s napping through the episode. He’s an angel dog.
- Bathroom break!
- Back!
as a yogi myself & a loyal fan of yours I must ask can you do the “firefly” pose?
- I don’t even know that pose.
What is your favorite sci-fi show?
- Of all time it’s got to be Star Trek the Next Generation.
Do you enjoy the techno-babble your characters do?
- I don’t enjoy it before it’s been memorized.
what’s your favorite meal to eat while on set, and off set?
- Taco Bell (on and off set).
How was your time at Grey’s Anatomy?
- So much fun! Sandra Oh and Ellen are goddesses
HEY Summer!!! Do you think we will ever see who Zoe’s father is???? What do you think his alpha ability is???
- I’d like to see who he is and give him a piece of my mind.
- Hopefully we’ll find out what his Alpha ability is.
Summer, is the Dollhouse real:-)
- Some time and some where.
Summer, scariest movie ever?
- The last scary movie I watched was I Am Legend. To me that was scary.
What show would you love to guest star on if you could? Can you sing?
- New Girl (I’d love to guest star on).
- In terms of singing, it depends.
is zoe as adorable as she looks? Loved the gorilla toy!
- Absolutely.
Whoa, Summer, how was it filming the elevator scene with all the guns? #Alphas
- Our guard was down. It was 4 in the morning. Great conversations.
Summer! Who’s your celebrity crush?
- Nervous laughter…
- I’m still crying. That was traumatic.
Any chance of Dr. Horribles sing along Blog 2?
- If I get hired to sing it will be the proudest moment of my career.
Summer, do you play any instruments?
- no
Summer, have you figured out how to program the remote yet?
- Almost.
Summer, are you a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (aka MST3K)?
- I don’t know that is.
A perfect day for you?
Wao that were a lot tweets, right ? Hope we got everything.If we missed something, let us know. Summer answered a lot of question and you got to know her a bit better. Did everyone like the chat ? On a side note. SyFy just said that they had to cancel the chat early, because they reached the tweet limit.
@темы: Summer Glau, Interview