I love it when a plan comes together

Day’s multimedia company and YouTube channel Geek & Sundry have dubbed Saturday (March 30) International TableTop Day, teaming up with game stores and major publishers, including Asmodee Editions, Days of Wonder, Indie Boards & Cards, Mayfair Games and Wizards of the Coast, to host the event — a sort of worldwide gaming open house. People interested in trying new games or meeting other gamers can sign up at TableTopDay.com to attend free events at game shops or to host their own gaming event.
In the meantime, the Geek & Sundry team have provided Hero Complex readers with its top 10 board games list — five games for players coming from popular classic games, and five games for players who are already familiar with modern games. Click through the gallery above for a peek at some games you might not know about.
TableTop Day comes after the success of the “TableTop” Web series, in which Wheaton — of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “The Big Bang Theory” fame — and a table of celebrity guests play and teach board games, card games and dice games. The show, which draws hundreds of thousands of views each week, is produced by Geek & Sundry.
Hero Complex caught up with Felicia Day to talk about gaming, TableTop Day and what’s next for Geek & Sundry.


@темы: Felicia Day, Interview